::My Mp3::

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Friday 15092007

i Simply hate irene ong to be in this ::Cold::, ::heartless:: WORLD..........

::hate my life::
::hate my everything::
::hate being in this hurtful world::
::i hate i hate!::

y is it ME!..i jus wan a simple life like any others............

i m v v v disappointed in life.. den dun even bring mi into tis heartless world can.

::Human Nature, SELFISH:: (can`t be helped)

no mood today, no mood to do anything at all...... i feel helpless

this feeling is back! its back ! its back!

::dun ever return cannnnnn..::

even go orchard with ct..i dun haf mood at all..

had yoshinoya , ::it jus taste badly::

bought a kitty wallet, ::it jus looks normal to me::

orchard road, ::jus feel everyone looks ugly::

took pics in the bus, ::jus feel its so Fake::

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