::My Mp3::

Monday, October 13, 2008

saturaday nite out..cum my advance bdae celebration

Friday nite received a date from eve..quite last min de..den we meet up at PS..eve took a cab there,so sun bian fetch me along.. ct not yet reached so me n eve went to have our dinner at clarke quay first..Thanks eve for the bdae dinner.. !:) its a perisian dinner,so special and high class..that so called iraq dishes cost us $100 plus..of cos we ordered white wine too..mm ..nice..~~ the waitress sang me bdae songs and even gave a free tiramisu cake..~~
ct called already,asked us hurry up lar.. to meet her at boat quay as its quite crowded there..we bo bian..we open our stomach zip ,pour the food,den zip it back...haha!!
went Whiskey bar,first time there..mm,quite good lar,cos was a sofa seat..ct sis,her bf , and some of their frens were there. played some games..and u noe,i learned hw to play dai di there lei..tortise.!
4am plus gerald came n joined us,i tink every1 already damn full ler..but he stil ordered another 2 jug..haha..gong gong lei.. left 2 cups of beer..wasted..
den went to access room..bumped in gerald best fren sis..wa so sexy lor..leapord bare back top n a hot pants..i stil tot gerald new gf hor..hah!!but she actually v poor thing la..hear her story..so sad.. hope she dun get so drunk next time n find a gd bf ba..
6plus went home ler..cant get a cab lei.. walked til The Central.. finally! yawn~~

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