::My Mp3::

Sunday, October 19, 2008

My Birthday celebration ..

CELEBRATION DAY 1.. 16102008 Dinner at Orchard... CREAM BISTRO..meet sm at orchard mrt 6pm..after her work.....den we walked to far east to get our Blinks..hehe..she was so excited..but too bad the glue was out of stock.......argh.. meet sm bf at the restaurant .. treats from them..yum yum..the food is great.. my chio present from sm..i LOVE IT ..thanks.. TOO bad..JOVI was not all in..hai... hope to catch up with u gurls soon hurr..


woke up happily in the morning.. wa lao..damn angry lar..tat gerald went to play bball..when he came back ytrd nite after work at 5am..i doubt so tonight he can celebrate with me okay! ANGRY!! md! might as well dun celebrate lor..

cant get to slp..i went to wrk,my parents so kind..today come shop early..and den i can go off to my celebration..hai..BUT! nobody at home waiting for me at home wad..somebodays playing bball..hai..cries~~~

he use his mom to pacify me again..argh..who ask me so soft hearted lor.haha! but stil we had a great quarrel AGAIN..as he fell aslp..when WE ARE SUPPOSE TO GO FOR MY BDAE SURPRISE..hai.. and so we quarreled again... therefore,didnt went any place..

at nite just went to NOVENA BRAHAUS..its a restaurant cum pub..with his parents..as we patch up after the big fuss..but he promised to bring me on the 181008...*DEAL ok..dun lie to me again..

we left at 11pm..meet choon ting n her hubby..we go partyworld..first time opened a Martell..den shared.. wa seh...matthew and gerald both played til so hiong hor..haha..v funy..as if its gerald bdae lei..den me n ct keep singing lor..til fell aslp..

duno whether they both are drunk or wad lar...they ordered another 2 jug of BEER..gosh! in the end finised too..faint..**

went back home 5am plus..ahh tiring cans..

CELEBRATION DAY3 181008 oh finally had my surprised location..we slept til lik 430pm..woke up..den head to our place.. but we went town had some bites first..bought my favourite FAMOUS AMOS COOKIES..the person charge me only 100g cookies lei..when i bought 200g..guess its a bdae gift for me ? haha.. den finally baby gerald told me the place we are going..haha..MOUNT FABER..tats wher i tot in mind too..ahhaha.. but i didnt even tot there is such thing lor.. COUPLE RIDE CABLE CAR..with finger food and drinks.. 30mins ride.. boarding time 9pm..we were early there.so we went to hilltop cafe to have some bites again.. ordered Asparagus salad and potato leek soup.. 2 drinks..cost already $60++ the ride was cool..first time having food inside..there is a table in between us..the ride is from mount faber all the way to sentosa..oh..at first,was feeling scare as the cable car will be inbalance whenever we moved..haha.. ended the ride..rushed home..den took a cab to NOVENA BRAHAUS again..as gerald made a deal to drink again with his parents in BRAHAUS again..haha.. haiyo so bored..we stayed there till 12pm ..den went home ... neverthless,i had a wonderful night, I love you baby gerald..thanks for the little tots for me... Inside the cable car..yummy scenary too dark..cant see From the view on top.. window view Lovely fresh flowers heart..
Small bites on the hilltop restaurant

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